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Nov 12, 2005 2:28 pm [OPP] Are you average?
Jonathan Dupree
Average people will do nothing and hope for the best. They're afraid to take a risk. That's the reason they'll go to their graves being average. The sad thing is by doing nothing, they're taking a tremendous risk.

Hi, I am not sure how many of you are planning on attending the More Heart Than Talent Conference comming up in January, but it is going to rock!

Here are the speakers . . .
Jim Rohn
Mark Victor Hansen
Todd Falcone
Jerry Clark
Jeffry Combs
Artemis Limpert
Ellie Drake
. . . and many more great speakers.

So here is the deal. I am looking to train and develop a handful of people who want to build a home business right. People who are coachable and willing to roll up their sleeves and work.

The costs of this conference is $299.00. I am willing to take care of $199.00 of the costs for you to go to this conference if you qualify. That means you only pay $99.00 to be able to attend this awesome event.

If you don't believe the true costs of the conference is $299, or if you would like more info on thsi conference, visit the site at --> http://www.GoldenMastermind.com

Why am I doing this? Because I am looking to invest my time, knowledge, and resources to help you succeed. This conference will help those leaders start the new year off right! You will be able to network with top professionals from all over the world!

So how do you know if you can qualify? Simply shoot me an e-mail and I will let you know what steps you need to take to begin your path to greatness in network marketing!


Expect Success,
Jonathan Dupree

P.S. Click the link below to follow the 3 simple steps to see if you qualify . . .

--> http://members.audiogenerator.com/postcard/?3060727X1166

Private Reply to Jonathan Dupree (new win)

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