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Nov 02, 2005 1:11 am [MLM] 50,000+ Vortex Members will have the HOTTEST ticket in town!
Michael Keong

Dear All MLMers on Ryze ,

If you are finding it a challenge to build a MLM business online or you are lost because you are new in the industry,then you need to evaluate this at my expense.The Easiest MLM/Direct Sales Team you will ever build online! I am giving you a coded voucher valued at $199/- to join us before the avalanche of 150,000 members from 3 other companies move in below us.

I am passing this on to you because you are
someone on Ryze. You deserve to
own a spot on my team before everything happens.
I do not have ALL of the details yet, but I can
tell you that this has been in the works for
over 3 years and is finally happening. PLEASE
trust me and get a spot by activating a voucher
that I can GIVE you. It is not going to cost
you a DIME. I only have a few weeks to give
away these vouchers and want you to take position
on my team...the first 50-Member Team.

The CEO of the company has allowed me to pass
on an Inter-Affiliate memo. It might not make
a lot of sense to you now but it will later.
AFTER you have read this memo, please email
me at :


Put "Request Voucher" in the subject line
and I will email you a special code and link
where you can activate a free voucher and
be given a position at no cost. This is not
going to always be like this. Please do this now.

==Inter Affiliate Memo== *Time Sensitive*

Official JB Internet Holdings Inc. Cashflowpc.com LLC


Over 8 MILLION V-Reward Points To Be Distributed To Vortex Members

*V-Web Wire October 24,2005* From The Desk Of The CEO

We are pleased to announce the approval of
$8,118,450 Vip Reward dollars to be distributed to
54,123 Vortex members no later than November
20,2005 5 PM CST. Each CURRENT member of Vortex
Marketing Group shall be granted a VIP rewards
back office and each back office will be
pre-loaded with $150 Vip reward dollars to be
available for use immediately. We thank the board
for their cooperation in this matter.

-How the $8.1 Million VIP Rewards Number Was Arrived At-

We have arrived at this figure by multiplying the
anticipated genealogy number of Vortex members by
the said date (54,123 X $150 V-Reward Dollars Per
affiliate). The public company which will be
revealed soon has agreed to this estimate/projection.

I would like to thank the board for their
cooperation throughout the negotiations phase. We
are confident that this approval will be the
beginning of many successful campaigns and the
marketing books of tomorrow will look favorably on
this Endeavour.


Each of you have played such an important part in
our ability to create leverage in our negotiations
with the public company we will soon reveal. They
weighed their decision heavily on the results of
our voucher beta test pilot marketing programs. I
cannot thank each of you enough.

The company has agreed to waive an enrollment fee
and has agreed to grant each of our current
members a $150 V-reward credit voucher. When you see the
enormity of this program and how our system will
tie into this ingenious product & service to
market program, you will lose a great deal of
sleep as we have over the past few weeks.

---- We Will Make History Like The Others ---

The sheer scope of what is facing us at this time
in history is incredible. Everybody here has a
chance to make internet marketing history and we
all have the potential of reaching the exposure
that the EBay's, Google's and Yahoos have reached.

This is a major milestone for us and I will be
revealing more details soon but for now, It is
VITAL that you get as many people enrolled into
the Vortex program as possible utilizing your
benefactor voucher codes. All of this activity
WILL be transferred and you will be given 100%
credit. We have well over 1 million V-rewards
dollars to allocate and you may as well enroll as
many people with the Vortex vouchers as you can
before the 3 companies that will follow below us
are granted positions and the programmers execute
the transfer of genealogies..

--- This Is The EASIEST Launch In MLM/Direct Sales History ---

This is going to cost the people you benefactor
into Vortex nothing to participate and remember,
each person will be granted a $150 VIP reward
credit when we transfer the data to the MLM
genealogy. we have made this transition a simple
one and a win/win for all involved.

This is a first in the history of MLM / Internet
marketing and I am proud to say that we (yes you
and us) had a big hand in the formulation of this
campaign. When the marketing books of tomorrow
reference this campaign, you can rest assured you
were a big part of it. This will truly be
something our children will talk about far into
the future.

When you see WHICH FORTUNE 500 Companies are
allowing these V-Reward Dollar points to be
applied to their products and services, you will
be excited.

You have my permission to pass this on to those on
the outside as well as the inside of the company
(your teams). the people need to know the enormous
scope of this project and its potential financial

I cannot put it more blunt....

This is the time to act and DO. We must yell from
the roof tops and get everyone involved while this
Is in its infancy. Do this now. You will be glad
you enrolled as many people using a Vortex voucher.
This is a chance for you to build upon the foundation
we have already built for you.

With warm regards,

Joel Sauceda
JB Internet Holdings Inc.

****END OF MEMO*****

Now that you have read this memo, please email me at :


Put "Request Voucher" in the subject line
and I will email you a special code and link
where you can activate a free voucher and
be given a position at no cost. This is not
going to always be like this. Please do this now.

Your Partner in Success,

Michael Keong
Vortex Founding Diamond Member

Private Reply to Michael Keong (new win)

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