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Feb 09, 2005 5:49 am Day 3: The Lack of 'Clean Fuel' is a Major Energy Drainer
Valerie Vauthey - MyPrivateCoach

What fuels you? Do you rely on several cups of coffee or cans of pop to keep you going? Do you eat sugar when you are feeling tired or need to cheer up? Do you end your day with several glasses of alcohol in order to wind down? Then, you are fueling yourself with adrenaline.

Adrenaline is a very unhealthy way to boost your body with energy. It fools you into believing that you are indeed feeling more energized, when in reality, your energy reserves are being depleted! Over time, this unhealthy form of fuel becomes a significant energy drainer, and sooner or later, your body will begin to rebel. Other ways you may be 'charging yourself up' may not seem so obvious.

Do you:
· Arrive at work feeling rushed or charged-up?
· React strongly to the unexpected?
· Get upset or irritated a lot of the time?
· Drive more than five miles over the speed limit, tail-gate, or criticize other drivers?
· Find it difficult to focus on any one thing for more than 10-minutes at a time?
· Talk a lot even after people have stopped listening?
· Tend to find the toughest way to get something done?
· Take on more than you really need or want?
· Feel angry, vengeful, or judgmental a lot of the time?
· Play "win/lose" or "lose/win" with others instead of "win/win"?
· Chase blindly after unmet needs?
· Create drama, crisis, or intrigue unnecessarily?
· Self criticize or overly blame others when things go wrong?
· Wear yourself down by trying to please others?
Then, you are fueling yourself with adrenaline.

Every part of you (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) requires "clean" sources of fuel in order for you to live to your fullest potential. You wouldn't put water in your gas tank and then wonder why your car won't start. The same is true for human beings. For your physical body, try to avoid caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, sugar, products containing white flour and overly processed foods. Instead, drink green and herbal teas, filtered water and fresh fruit and vegetable juices, and eat a wide range of fresh fruit and vegetables, a variety of wholesome grains and lean sources of protein. Exercise for at least 30 minutes 3 to 7 days a week, even if it means hiring a trainer to keep you on track. Always remember to treat your body as the temple that it is. It is the only one your have, so keep it healthy!

For your emotional, mental and spiritual well-being, be mindful of how you express yourself in the world, and try to avoid adrenaline producing behaviors. Begin nurturing yourself. Take the time to uncover what is most important to you and then decide to live your life based on those values. Take a look inside to see what you are truly feeling and express it in a safe and secure way. Discover what you are passionate about and then do it! What brings you pleasure? Listening to good music, reading a great book, gardening, being with good friends and family? Whatever it is make sure you incorporate these things regularly into your life. You are worth it! As you begin to adapt these clean sources of fuel into your life you will start to feel an increase in your energy and feel healthier, happier and less stressed. You will also be on the road to creating a vibrant and fulfilling life filled with joy, peace and harmony. And isn't that what most people want - a way to substantially increase their quality of life? Adapting clean sources of fuel will do that for you.


Cheri Baumann - Your Life Strategist at MyPrivateCoach.com

Check out my page at MyPrivateCoach.com/cbaumann
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