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Strategies for Retiring Young, Soon, and Wealthy

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Jan 14, 2005 12:09 am Day 2: Lack of Adequate Self-Care is a Major Energy Drainer
Valerie Vauthey - MyPrivateCoach
Are you the kind of person who tends to put the needs of others before your own?

Are you the kind of person who your friends and family always count on to say "yes" to their requests?

Are you the kind of person who has to beg out of a commitment at the last minute or work yourself to the bone, because you have "over promised"?

Wouldn't it be nice instead to put yourself first, draw yourself a lovely aromatic bubble bath and read your favorite magazine, while someone else cooks dinner?

This is called caring for yourself, because if you don't, no-one else will.

Flight attendants always say while demonstrating the proper use of oxygen masks: "Please put your oxygen mask on first if you are traveling with someone who needs assistance." This statement applies to every area of your life. It is your responsibility to adequately (if not extremely) care for yourself so you may be there first and foremost for yourself, and then for those around you.

Each time you neglect yourself, you give a piece of yourself away. You begin to lose your sense of personal power and the vital energy within you begins to drain away.

Adequate self-care is of the up-most importance.

· Eat quality food, drink lots of water, exercise regularly and get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night
· Become aware of the things affecting your life so you can make decisions based on what is most important to you.
· Give yourself the opportunity to make positive changes in your life that are for your highest good, even though it may feel uncomfortable at first.
· Realize you are much more than the 'roles' you play and let them go.
· Let go of any addictions or compulsions you may have because they dramatically reduce your ability to make sensible decisions.
· Deal with unfinished business so that you may move forward living fully in the present.
· Take yourself on a self-discovery tour because the better you know yourself, the more likely you are to accept and love yourself exactly as you are.
· Become a 'human being' instead of a 'human doing'.
· Let go of the desire to keep up with the Jones's (whoever they are) and design your life according to your own values.
· Learn to set clear boundaries and do whatever it takes so you can learn to say "NO".
· Set aside time just for "you" and do whatever it is that makes you happy

Remember, it's easy to get sucked into the idea that a 'certain lifestyle' will make you happy, or that helping everyone around you will somehow make you into a better person. What will make you happy is living your life in alignment with who you truly are, so that all the choices you make are fulfilling. This only happens when you put yourself first.

Here are ten ways that you can take time for yourself:
· Cuddle up with a good book.
· Buy yourself something special (doesn't have to be expensive).
· Sit in front of the fireplace with a cup of tea and listen to some favorite music.
· Take a break during the middle of the day and go for a walk to clear you head and get some fresh air
· Get close to nature - drive out to the country, take a walk in the woods, or along a lake or stream, watch the rhythm of the waves as they roll on to the beach
· take a nap
· go see that movie you've been dying to see
· realize that sometimes being alone is good for you
· start writing in a journal - you'll be amazed at how therapeutic it can be
· play with your children or your pet

I am sure that you could come up with at least 10, 20 or perhaps even 50 more ways to take time for yourself. Remember you are worth it! Nurture yourself! Love yourself! You are the only "you" you have. You will be giving yourself a huge gift, as well as everyone else around you, when you begin to give yourself the care you need. Make "I put myself first!" your new motto, and watch how much better you will begin to feel.

This text was written by Cheri Baumann - Life Strategist & Business Coach

Private Reply to Valerie Vauthey - MyPrivateCoach (new win)

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