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Jan 07, 2005 11:12 pm Perhaps last chance for free MMI
Buzzy Gordon
This is your personal invitation to participate in T. Harv Eker's world-famous Millionaire Mind Teleclass on January 11, 2005: Best-selling author T. Harv Eker, is the world's #1 guru in helping people develop a "Millionaire Mind" so that you not only have the inner capacity to create a million dollars, but more importantly, keep your wealth and grow it. When it comes to financial success, you can have the greatest tools (strategies and systems) in the world, but if there's a tiny leak in your "toolbox" (your mind), you're going to have a problem. In this profound teleclass you will learn the secret psychology of wealth and how rich people think differently than the poor and middle class. T. Harv Eker will be gifting all guests who participate in the upcoming Millionaire Mind Teleclass with a scholarship to the 3-day Millionaire Mind Intensive for FREE! Don't even think of missing this life-changing Teleclass. Please cut and paste this link immediately to register:

Private Reply to Buzzy Gordon (new win)

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