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Sep 21, 2004 8:41 pm re: re: re: Forced matrix & other things to avoid in MLM
William J
Howard wrote

Actually, it is both a legal and an ethical issue. One problem here is that this is governed by various state governments (in the US), and the rules are 1) not consistent, and 2) in the modern internet era, basically impossible to monitor, much less enforce

Hi Howard

I do agree with you that it is an ethical issue but it is a legal and ethical issue. It't an outrage that these rogue organizations are allowed to run wild robbing poeple of their money.

David Natiuk said

Melaleuca has been around for 18 years and they have a 5x7 matrix plan. (You can add new 1st-line levels after reaching certain positions). So obviously a forced matrix does work. As for encouraging laziness, I think trying to get rich the "lazy" way in MLM is more unlikely than winning the lottery. Even if you have a few "spillover" enrollments that is very unlikely to make you alot of money. It takes work, effort, and belief in the product

It would be wrong to bash a company just because of a matrix plan. Well it is not the best pay plan. However, there are worse pay plans than that. the Aussie one up plan and the Binary just to name a few. And for what I here. Melaleuca is not doing so hot and I expect it to go belly up with in 5 years.

Paul Bradley Cordle wrote

"Mentors in Motion uses a 1-up compensation plan. While it does include a "seminar", it is not "motivational" in nature. It is a practical, nuts-and-bolts blueprint for success in marketing and it’s worth every penny of the price. Many people take this seminar with no intention of marketing the business."

Do you think it's right to Rob MIM students of their commission check for doing work of bringing people in. That is HIGHWAY ROBBERY in my view.

Every time someone calls me and tells me with the I can show you a way you can put 20 to 30 people in your downline in a week or a day is obviously peddling Mentors In Motion. And I tell it right off " Its a con racket to get people swindled. With all the people trolling and being secretive. Oh just attend a training call with out giving full discloser is obvious a scam.

William Jaroske

Private Reply to William J (new win)

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