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Sep 08, 2004 12:19 pm MLM :Short or Long term financial success ?
Trevor Bell
Are you on the net to make a quick buck or plan for your financial future ?
Introducing.... a Highly Consumable Product with a "MASSIVE" Expanding Global Market...Combine this with an Amazing full or part-time Business.
Do you want to build something that will provide hundreds or even thousands of dollars every month in the next 6 to 12 months? No if's but's or maybe's,it has been done and will be done again and again and again !! even as we speak.
I am looking for customers,consultants and affiliates who I can help teach to build a business to what ever level they want to from where your sitting now.

We are an 11 month old company based in Dellaware U.S.A, with the brains of the operation mostly coming from Brisbane Australia. In this short period of time we have become a Global business with people in nearly every country in the world.

Let us help you in building a residual income which I am sure in the end you will find some use (like retirement)In this business it is up to me to help you with building your success,and if I can't come up with all the answers I will find them for you. Only with your success in this business can I succeed.

All that is left to do now is get a cuppa and then follow this link www.1cellnet.com/washout or you can follow the link from my webpage.

I am able to be contacted on hotmail so if you have any queries feel free to ask(no such thing as a dumb question)
Together we can make this happen!!

Trevor Bell

Private Reply to Trevor Bell (new win)

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