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Aug 11, 2004 5:54 pm re: Forced matrix & other things to avoid in MLM
Paul Bradley Cordle
Hi Howard,

I agree with most of what you say here, but I take exception to a few of your comments:

"The vast majority of MLM's that survive past two years use the form called 'stairstep breakaway'."

The stairstep breakaway plan is indeed the most common by far. Since it was the first MLM plan (Amway, Shaklee, Herbalife, etc), it has survived the test of time. One thing about the stairstep breakaway plan, though, is the fact that it requires a full-time effort to achieve success. You must constantly recruit to offset the loss of a significant part of your organization with each breakaway group.

Many of the best companies today use unilevel plans. These plans are far more achievable for the part-time network marketer, yet the upside potential for full-time effort is unlimited.

"As far as I know, no forced matrix plan has ever survived its third anniversary"

Melaleuca, Anew International, Neway, and Infinity Just-2 are a few examples.

"…the 'Aussie' plans are all motivational seminar scams, without exception."

First of all, aussie plans are not typically considered MLM. They are more aligned with direct marketing than network marketing since you are not paid on “levels”. Every enrollment in this system is a direct sale.

Mentors in Motion uses a 1-up compensation plan. While it does include a "seminar", it is not "motivational" in nature. It is a practical, nuts-and-bolts blueprint for success in marketing and it’s worth every penny of the price. Many people take this seminar with no intention of marketing the business.

"Sales tools must be sold at or below cost to be legal in an MLM."

There is no legal requirement for sales tools to be sold "at or below cost". This is an ethical issue, rather than a legal one.

Warm regards,

Paul Bradley Cordle
The Passionate Alchemist

> Howard Harkness wrote: > > Laurence Eu wrote:

Private Reply to Paul Bradley Cordle (new win)

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