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Strategies for Retiring Young, Soon, and Wealthy

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Aug 13, 2003 3:44 am re: re: MPT (Meta Plan Talk)
Buzzy Gordon

Valerie, you make a very good point: should we each have one overarching plan that guides all the various facets of our lives? Or, should we formulate several parallel plans that keep the various aspects of our lives (personal, professional, etc.) on track and in synch?

I gave quite a bit of thought to this question when I had to come up with a name for this Network. My conclusion is that we all need a philosophy, or set of principles, to guide our actions toward a goal (or goals); PLUS a logical series of action items, or tactics, to achieve it/them.

Thus the formula for success is in the equation: Philosophy + Tactics = Strategies (long-term patterns of behavior that will get us to wealth, early retirement, etc.) (name sound familiar?)

Subcategories in this equations can be, for example: Determination (or perseverance) [traits, principles] + Expertise (actions or tactics to gain knowledge) = Success (material, physical, spiritual, etc.)

I look forward to continuing this stimulating discussion, either now or when the summer doldrums wind down.

I hope everyone is finding a way to “chill.”

> Valerie Vauthey wrote:
>Hey Thomas
>don't you prefer to have planS with an *S* ? :o)

>> Thomas Trenker wrote: >> >>Hello fellow soon-to-be retirees, >> >>I think it's important to have a specific plan to reach your goals, whatever they may be. I formulated my current plan about a year ago. It has been an inspiration and guideline for me ever since. It helps me to stay focused and on target as I zoom in on my goals. I wouldn't want to be without one! >> >>So, guys, let me know if you care about Meta Plan Talk or MPT as I will christen this for the sake of cool. >> >>Cheers, >>TT.

Private Reply to Buzzy Gordon (new win)

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