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Jul 28, 2003 9:58 am re: re: re: The Best Way to Make Money Fast
Marc Lefton
Hey Stephanie,

Can you elaborate? You did this without a website? I was just wondering how you did it then, through email? I could use $200. LOL.


> Stephanie Frank wrote:
> David:
>A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine challenged me to make money on a Sunday afternoon with no website, no product and no money. Within a couple of hours, I made about $200. Now I realize that $200 will not change the world, but I did it in front of his eyes using the "internet marketing" techniques you described. I totally agree with you that selling information is the way to go.
>> David Natiuk wrote:
>> Good question, and fun to speculate on.
>>Obviously there is no "magic formula", or those who are educated would just use it over and over again. But obviously there are formulas - and those who find a winning formula can repeat their success again and again.
>>Also, you either have time or money to spend. There are methods which take alot of time, and those that take alot of money... it's up to the person to determine which they have more of.
>>Real Estate? A possibility. Those knowledgeable can find a good deal and "flip" the property quickly. Or you can buy a foreclosure or distressed property and immediately re-sell it to an investor of "fix-it-upper" for a small profit. There are many quick ways to make money in Real Estate... and there are also many long-term ways to make money.
>>Stocks? Again, the very knowledgeable would be able to invest in a stock that has quick profit potential. Short selling, calls, puts, etc. Lots of ways to turn a quick profit.
>>The other way to make lots of money with stocks, is if you already make lots of money! What do I mean? If you make over $200,000/year you qualify as an accredited investor (SEC RULES) and can invest in pre-IPO's and other high-risk/high-return offerings.
>>Gambling? Well, since we are talking about stocks ;) you can also make quick money in Las Vegas! This one is a favorite of many, although it isn't too reliable. Those that play Poker for a living do alright, and BlackJack is one of those games that played properly with a card count is actually a winning proposition!
>>And of course, long-term riches can come from starting any good business, but the entrepreneurial route is a long difficult road with great risk.
>>In my opinion, the quickest way to make some money for the average person is to be a retailer/distributor of a product (perhaps your own) and to spend some time finding a winning advertising campaign.
>>Once you find an advertising campaign that nets you positive returns, you can simply expand the campaign as funds allow.
>>These methods are detailed by many "gurus" like Don Lapre with his newspaper ads method (where you start with a small local ad until you find one that works... then start rolling it out nationally)
>>So, if someone has a decent product with a good profit margin and they spend $2,500 to make $7,500... then that same formula can be used to spend $25,000 and make $75,000 (more or less).
>>What would be a good product? Information, tools, education, software, specialty products and other things that are easy to duplicate, or unique and highly desireable.
>>Anyay, that's my two-cents worth. Advertising and marketing! I think that's also why there are so many internet sites hawking "Internet Marketing" courses and secrets. Because there is alot of money to be made with the proper application of good marketing techniques!

Private Reply to Marc Lefton (new win)

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