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Jul 25, 2003 7:05 pm Guru-style Marketing
Denise Michaels
One of the Networks that I post to regularly on Ryze.com is "Writers and Editors." We've been having a lively discussion about the subject above with a lot of comments flying back and forth about sales letters, whether people read them or not, et al. Below is my latest post which I thought some people here would find interesting.

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Writing for the purpose of marketing is totally different than high writing or fine literature.

I take a lot of pride in my writing skills (even if I do goof up grammatically now and then *wink*). Journalism was one of my majors in college and I love to sort of weave a tapestry with my words and create something truly wonderful.

But it doesn't work that way in marketing. The first few sales letters I wrote - I did them the way I like to write. I wasn't going to make them long or hype-y. My sales letters would be unique. Not the same ol' cr*p you see all the time. I was going to do it my way.

The Net Result: I didn't get any business. Nada, nyet, nothing.

Then I learned that there are some formulas. There are certain words and phrases that work and a structure to a sales letter that can turn it into magic - financially that is. It will never be a piece of fine literature. It's not meant to be.

I started over and re-wrote those letters using the new formulas I learned. Suddenly the dollars started rolling in.

The good part of this is that I cracked the code. The bad part is that I realized all my high level writing skills I spent so many years learning throughout my education, the emphasis my parents put on good vocabulary, studying English, poetry and such in additon to Journalism - was wasted. At least in terms of making money and sales.

Now I keep the two separate. I know when I'm writing to truly enjoy the beauty and the wonder of writing. And I know when I'm writing because I want to make money.

If anyone out there wants to know more about how to make their words sell and make money... two books I recommend are:

"The Ultimate Sales Letter" by Dan S. Kennedy
"Words that Sell" by Richard Bayan.

Hope this is helpful.

All the best,

Denise Michaels

Co-founder of the "Million Dollar Mastermind" Network. The fastest growing, most exciting network on Ryze.com

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