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Strategies for Retiring Young, Soon, and Wealthy

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Jul 22, 2003 2:56 am Hi, I'm brand new
Ernie Martin
Hi Everyone:

I'm brand new here on Ryze and looking forward to contributing.

Most of you haven't "met" me before, I'm Denise Michaels* better half and she told me it might be a good idea to become a part of Ryze.com and Buzzy's network.

As a "Cash Flow Coach" I help good people change their money habits, get out of debt and start saving money sometimes for the first time in their lives. Personally, I think that's an important part of retiring young. It's great to make more money but you also must hang on to some of it.

If you go to my page (would love it if you signed my guestbook) you will see I have a lengthy background in finance, but what I'm really passionate about is helping people learn the secrets of managing their money.

Denise and I attended a seminar recently and there was a quote by Buckminster Fuller. It was something like, "The definition of financial freedom is how many days you can live into the future without working."


Ernie Martin

* She and Stephanie Frank just started up "Million Dollar Mastermind" network and they're having a ball with it.

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