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Jul 17, 2003 12:02 am What is your Money Mindset?
Stephanie Frank
Hi all:

As we prepare to roll out our mentoring program in the fall, I am humbled by the numbers of people out there who need to overcome attitude and mindset blocks and don't even realize that it is their attitude toward money that is holding them back. Have you ever been told:

Money is evil
Rich people are greedy
It's noble to be poor
We may be poor, but at least we're honest
Money is dirty (remember trying to eat nickels as a kid?)
Work hard and get an honest day's pay

We are also influenced by images or circumstances from our childhood of our parents working two jobs, fighting over money and scarcity. Or maybe it's just the opposite - your family had lots of money but no love or you never saw one or both of your parents because they were always working.

In any case, these are the belief systems that hold us back from becoming the successful, rich living people we want to be. Overcoming these money blocks can be simple, if you truly want to change your beliefs. When you change your beliefs, you change your circumstances. When you change your circumstances, you change your life.

So I ask you today: what are your money beliefs and where did they come from? If they didn't come from you then why are you hanging on so tightly to them?


Private Reply to Stephanie Frank (new win)

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