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Jul 16, 2003 7:43 pm more than "Hi, I'm new to the board"
Buzzy Gordon
Hi Joanne,
I liked your post because it was not just an intro, but you described your concrete plan of action in parapgraphs 4 and 5.

Tell us: Did you wean your kids off TV at the same time? How old are they, and what kinds of motivational literature or tapes do you share with them?

> Joanne Tom wrote:
> My name is Joanne and my husband, Albert and I have a home based business. Besides the tax advantages, we thoroughly enjoy travelling and meeting new people (our children do too).
>What I like about Referral Marketing is that we spend a lot of time with like-minded people and in fact we are attending James Ray's "Power to Win" two day, working seminar in Minneapolis this Friday/Saturday.
>We joined our Company, Dynamic Essentials last May and have found that we are passionate about our product, Royal Tongan Limu and we love the self-development part of the business. Our Team is dedicated to helping people have a better quality of life.

>We all started by not watching T.V. nor reading the newspaper (for 1 month), instead we read inspirational/motivational books and listened to motivational cassettes before bed. What an eye opener! (Do you know how much negativity you get by watching the news and reading the news?). You should try this exercise, it is life changing!
>The outcome of this exercise was: our close family, friends and co-workers began to see us differently and talking to us differently because we are more confident in what we say and how we act and carry ourselves.

>I hope to be making new friends on the Ryze boards, so until next time...Make a Difference in People's Lives Today!
>Joanne >One Team, One Dream >www.joanneandalbert.deiteam.com >www.impactlives.com >"LIMU" - Looking Into Making U Better >"Vision Without Action is Just a Daydream" > >

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