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Dec 24, 2007 5:59 am Exta! Extra! Network Marketing is Born Again!
Dale Comyford

Hello Network Marketing Friends,

I recently posted an article inquiring about your experience with Network Marketing in an MLM world. Several of you responded with lots of great ideas and advice. Now I have had a week to experiment and read and study more. This is an interm report on what I am finding.

1. Network Marketing is branching out from the old standbys of friends, family, neighbors, people you meet, and newspaper ads and going right into the world-wide Internet. (Do you realize how many people in Napal still make their own lye soap to wash their clothes and have never heard of Amway? Yep, lots of them are on the Internet though.)

2. However, some of the old tried and true principles still apply. First it is important to join and participate in some networks - like this one. After all it is still called Network Marketing.

3. Get to know the people, respect their opinions, value their contibutions and share your experiences and ideas. This is still a relationship business even if it is also a world wide Internet business.

4. New technology, Internet marketing systems, websites, and marketing methods are breaking every second. If it took you 2 seconds to read this sentence you are probably to far behind to ever catch up with what is going on. Therefore I advise you to just "grab a piece of it and put it to work for yourself fulfilling the needs of people around the world and making a profit". (I think this was an old Navajo Indian saying.)

5. Here is what I am doing for example with my MLM, UFirst:

a. A NBC News affiliate in Nevada did an expose' on us that actually turned out a little positive. Of course it ended up on www.YouTube.com and now the whole world goes straight to it by just putting in "NBC News MMA" for the search. Of course I tell them not to do that but they do anyway. It is a Google world.

b. To combat the above, top companies are doing great Internet videos of their own. This is my example:


Note: They are still powering the above site up with more
bandwidth so if it pauses, just give it some time and it
will continue.

6. Once an MLM firm begins to gain ground and dominate a market, negative bloggers can be counted on to multiply like flies. Top companies need to be ready to react positively and set up counter blogs by both satisfied customers and agents. For an example, see:


7. Training and marketing webinars are quickly joining and in some cases replacing the "opportunity meeting" as a way to get the word out. Each month a UFirst Independent Agent in Denver holds an opportunity and training meeting but it has not quite taken hold yet since only about 2,000 participants from around the USA log in. Fit that in your living room.

Long Live Network Marketing!

Private Reply to Dale Comyford (new win)

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