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May 10, 2003 4:12 am What's your personal story? Why are you here?
Lynn Terry

What's your personal story? Why are you here?

Why do you want "out of the rat race, and on to peace of mind and tranquility, in order to make a difference on this earth and to its inhabitants" - specifically?

The reason I joined this networking group was because of that statement above... Even back when I ran a "brick & mortar" business, I had the stress of the clock and the city life. Two years ago I turned my business in a whole new direction and began running it solely online and from my home office in a remote location on Center Hill Lake (middle Tennessee). As a single mother to two children, this made a huge difference in family time and my availability to the children as their only parent... and it also proved to be a much more profitable and productive work environment.

Several events led up to that change in my life and business, one of which is posted here:

What about you? What was it that drew you to this group... and what are your personal experiences that caused you to change your outlook on life?

Lynn Terry, Editor/Owner
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