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May 06, 2003 4:17 am re: re: re: Listening
Cathy Soovajian
Greetings Maran,

I just checked out your site and really enjoyed it, especially your wonderful pictures on your personal site.

I totally agree with you about the importance of communication. Whether we're the one listening or the one talking, understanding is vital for any relationship.

While I'm fortunate in that I still have most of my hearing, I can relate to what you said here about many people taking what is being said for granted and pay little attention to what is being communicated.

To be honest, I don't think we mean to be like that but we are all fairly self-centered creatures and while listening to another person, many people are thinking of the next point they want to make or trying to bring the conversation around to themselves.

I don't actually use any tricks as I'm fairly straight forward and just ask others to repeat themselves if I haven't understood what they said. If I still can't understand them, I explain that I do not hear well and would they please speak a little slower and louder for me. I find I have more problems while speaking to someone on the telephone than anything else.

One of the reasons I love this wonderful Internet is the ease of communication and with text, there is less chance of being misunderstood.

Your friend in sunny California,


> Maran Banta wrote:
>Hi Meryl, Hi Cathy,
>Listening is so very important. And trust me, most people only hear a fraction of what is being said, even those with excellent auditory acuity.
>Likewise many many people make little effort to be sure they are being heard.
>I frequently find myself saying things like, "Dear One, I do so want to hear what you are saying, please look at me and speak up."
>Clear communication is actually not very common.
>What kinds of tricks, or techniques do you marvelous folks use to be sure you are clearly understood, or that you clearly understand?

Private Reply to Cathy Soovajian (new win)

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