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May 01, 2007 12:23 am re: [OPP] & [MLM] Any Advice Greatfully Received
David Natiuk
Hey Linda,

Glad you found something you like, that certainly seems to be a necessary requirement if you're going to share it with others! However, I've been in the industry long enough to learn that its not so much the company, but yourself that makes the difference.

As far as advice, I could give a ton of it, but it would be far too long of a post. In fact, I'm finishing up a book right now on the whole subject of MLM (what you've never been told, the big problems, the way to build in the internet age, etc.) It be available in about 3 weeks.

Not to brag, but I think its really going to help people in this industry. I'll be giving away a small portion of it called "9 Big LIES of MLM" at that time and you can decide if the type of information we're offering is worth it.

So hang in there for 3 weeks! ;-) Send me a personal message with your email if you'd like to be on the announcement. It's going to be awesome.

David Natiuk

Private Reply to David Natiuk (new win)

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