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May 05, 2003 12:03 pm re: re: MLM / EMM / Network Marketing
Stephanie Frank
EMM is called "Exact Method Marketing". It is a system used by the FreeStore Club. You join the club for free, upgrade to your monthly fee, and shop in the store. You receive commission on the products sold in the store, or by introducing other people to the plan and having them join to get their own store. The claim that it's not MLM or network marketing is because you could do the whole business anonymously from your computer if you really wanted to. I don't know of anyone that is doing this specifically, but I'm sure they're out there.


> Sue Glenn wrote:
> Hi John,
>I'm brand new to this network but am looking forward to exchanging ideas and experiences. My business is a network marketing business but also has a component that isn't. Too long to explain now. Anyway, I have one question and one comment. My question is what is EMM? And to help you as far as looking into this type of business, in general, in any business you explore that would generate wealth should have: a huge/expanding market (vinyl records no good. lol.), consumable and unique products/services, and good timing within that field. The most important aspect (commended by Kiyosaki)is a business that has the ability to create leverage...this is the reason most people start their networking business. Anyone with the right attitude can succeed in NM. Success is measured individually. Set your business plan and follow it to any length, just don't quit because that will guarantee failure.
>Good luck in your quest,
>> John Knapp wrote:
>> Has anyone been successful using these methods of generating wealth?
>>If so, how?
>>I generally like the concept, the product, but not the execution. I'm not a recruiting genius...
>>Has anyone had any spectacular flame outs with one of these kinds of companies?
>>I'm intrerested in the good and the bad.

Private Reply to Stephanie Frank (new win)

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