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Feb 02, 2007 4:05 am [INTRO] This is who I am.
Hello, Entrepreneurs!

It's a delight to meet you all. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better and being able to mind meld with you.

There are numerous business endeavors that I participate in which will be discussed later. On a personal note originally I am from Chula Vista, CA.

Graduated high school a long, long time ago. Attended two colleges and one university studying accounting, French, German, and Spanish.

24 years ago I met the man of my dreams and hope the honeymoon never ends. I have one daughter, he has one daughter and one son that I call my own. We have one son-in-law and one grandson. Oops! Now I'm dating myself.

My hobby is creating scrapbooks. I enjoy fishing, horseback riding, tennis and traveling.

My dream is to own a 1962 Corvette convertible, go to Paris and start a foundation for adoption.

Currently I have a day job at the local community center as a full charge bookkeeper. Hopefully by the end of this year I will be able to "fire my boss" and exclusively work from home.

"When you master the skill of moving a potential customer to action through a finished sales letter, you take that preparatory work and put it into action-and truly understand salesmanship as both an art and a practice." Dan Kennedy "The Ultimate Sales Letter"

Good luck with your future,

Private Reply to MICHELLE ROTHWELL (new win)

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