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Dec 09, 2006 6:46 pm Are You in Control of Your Life or Is It in Control of You?
Perry Davis

Here is a great article.



Are You in Control of Your Life or Is It in Control of You?

by Tony Mase


© Tony Mase - All Rights Reserved




With the beginning of a new year just a few weeks away, I

have a question for you to ponder...


Are you in control of your life or is your life in control

of you?


Here's a simple test to help you find out...




1. Read each of the ten questions below *very* carefully and

answer each one truthfully with a simple yes or no answer.


2. Add up the number of your "yes" answers and calculate the

percentage of "yes's" you received out of 100%. To do so,

simply multiply your number of "yes" answers times ten. For

example, if you answer five of the ten questions with a

"yes", your score is 50%.  


3. Check your score with the legend below.




1. Are you *always* on time for meetings?


2. Are you *always* on time for business appointments?


3. Are you *always* on time for personal appointments?


4. Are you within five pounds (plus or minus) of your ideal

body weight?


5. Do you have one, single, overriding, clear and definite

"vision" of what you want *next* in your life?


6. Do you have money set aside *specifically* to take

advantage of financial opportunities when they arise?


7. Could you *easily* go an entire day without answering a

telephone (and without looking to see who called - be honest



8. Do you *always* do *exactly* what you say you're going to

do (in other words, do you *always* keep your commitments to

yourself and others)?


9. Do you schedule your personal time, including time with

your family, and treat it as an *unbreakable* appointment?


10. Do you *always* know *exactly* where your car and house

keys are (in other words, can you *always* find your car and

house keys when you need them without having to "look" for





0-20% - Poor


Quite frankly, I'm surprised you made it this far in this

article! Odds are your life is totally out of control and

you've got some serious work to do if you want to get it

under control. The good news is, regardless of how out of

control your life is right now, you can get it under



30-40% - Fair


You've still got a long way to go! You must learn to follow

through on your commitments and establish disciplined

boundaries and rules for your life.


50-60% - Average


I'm sure average isn't where you want to be! By changing a

few attitudes and actions you could move up to excellent.


70-80% - Good


Almost there! You just need to make a few subtle changes

that'll bring you closer to being in 100% total control of

your life.


90-100% - Excellent


You're in 100% total control of your life or darn close to

it! :-)


In his book "The Personal Power Course", Wallace D. Wattles,

best known for his classic masterpiece "The Science of

Getting Rich", talked about the importance of controlling

yourself in simple matters if you wish to control your



If you can't control yourself in the little things, what

makes you think you can control the big things in your life?


If you can't control yourself in something as simple as

showing up to a meeting or appointment on time, what makes

you think you can control your own business capable of

generating you a million dollars a year in income?


Think about it. :-)




Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D.

Wattles and the publisher of the "The Personal Power Course:

Ten Lessons in Constructive Science, Teaching You How to Use

Your Own Subconscious Energies for Health, Prosperity and

Personal Achievement" ebook by Wallace D. Wattles...



"The Personal Power Course" by Wallace D. Wattles Ten

lessons in constructive science, teaching you how to use

your own subconscious energies for health, prosperity and

personal achievement. Take Control of your Life Now.



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