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Aug 22, 2006 10:14 pm (OPP MLM)Leaders wanted.... Are You one?....
Matt Lancaster
How are you doing? Good I hope. I am looking to meet people who are interested in business, entrepreneurship, health and fitness and helping others.

My partners with Team CANI (www.teamcani.net) and I are seeking motivated people who want to be mentored by a few millionaires. Team CANI's top leadership are offering an opportunity to qualified individuals to be part of their quickly expanding team. More specifically, I am looking for individuals to help expand the first ever Social Netowrk Distribution Company! And in doing so earn a substantial residual income and something no other company is offering...EQUITY! There is equity ownership on the table, not just revenue sharing, (which we aslo have), but actual EQUITY ownership.
If you are serious, have drive, integrity, a desire to help others and are not afraid of a challenge, forward me your contact information and a good time to reach you so we can set up an interview to see if there is a match with our company and you. If having a chance to own equity in a couple of soon to be billion dollar companies sounds intriguing to you, then we need to talk as soon as possible!

Take care and God Bless.

Matt Lancaster

Private Reply to Matt Lancaster (new win)

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