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Jun 12, 2006 12:00 pm {OPP} The Lottery Home Business
Clarence Montgomery
Welcome to the Winners Circle~

You do not have to join our Marketing Program at MyGlobalWonTeam. The Team program was set up for those individuals who want to build a business playing the lottery and earn referral commission, along with a percentage of the Teams winnings! If you just want to play, click on the link below sign up for FREE and play once a week or when every you like!

When you win your money is place into the back office of your website and you transfer it directly into your bank account!


ID: 888275071

Note: We only play with numbers 0-9, not 6 out of 49 like most other Lotteries! Your chances of winning are much greater with GlobalWon!

P.S. If you don't Play You Can't Win!~$


This money-making concept is so simple and straight forward. Like so many others around the world, I've been conditioned that you have to
struggle for years, work hard, sacrifice, and on and on and on, that I nearly missed it.

Here is the deal: You can sign up for Free and play when ever you like or

1. Join the team for $25 a month (only if you want to get leads to build a Team)
2. Purchase 20 tickets a week from GlobalWon corporation
3. Find 3 people who want to do the same~ Play the Lottery Online!


GlobalWon pays 5% through 8 levels. You do the math. Get 3 who get 3 who get 3 equals 9,840 people in the 3-by-8 group. ( Force Matrix)
With each person in the group playing every week that results in roughly $12,000 a WEEK commission earnings even if you DON'T have a winning ticket. AMAZING!

Plus you share in any winnings from your Team!

It is really simple. People are playing the lottery World Wide. If you are going to play, why not earn a commission.
Your chances of winning are much better than trying to pick 6 numbers out of 49. We pick 6 out of 10!

WOO HOO!!!!!!!

Come join us now, since it is the beginning. You can be placed in an excellent position now! Can you image where we will be in the months to come?

Overview Message: (512) 404 -1256
Conference Call: Mon - Thur. 7 &11 pm Est. (646) 519 - 5800 pin 6798#
Sunday Night: 10 pm Est. (646) 519-5860 pin 6798#

Lottery Video

WEB Site: http://url123.com/3uee5

Clarence Montgomery
Internet Marketing Specialist
(910) 476-7796
The Only Other Link You Will Ever Need:

A little about me:

Private Reply to Clarence Montgomery (new win)

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