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May 21, 2006 12:19 am MLM Marketing - Online or Offline?
David Natiuk
When I get a new distributor who wants to quickly build a business, they usually ask me about advertising. They want to know if they should pay to be listed in search engines, pay for newspaper ads, run flyers around their town, etc. I want to post some things here so that I can send a link instead of typing it over and over (and hopefully you'll benefit as well).

First of all, its not so much WHERE you advertise, as WHAT you advertise? And the WHAT of advertising is determined by your target market. There are really two main categories of people you are going to run into, those you know (ie. warm market) and those you don't (called cold market). Your approach will be different with each.

When you are dealing with your warm market, you usually already have an understanding of each other, usually trust each other, and therefore can skip right to the recommendation stage. The reason most sponsors will tell you to start with a list of 100 friends & family is because its easier when you already have some level of trust with people. A really well-connected person might sign up 20 people in their first few weeks simply from the power of their relatinships.

- Approach -
Since you generally have the contact information and know these people, you usually just have to get them some information to make a decision. Make sure to CALL them personally, then send them to your website and/or send a package of information (audio CD, DVD, brochure... whatever). When you follow-up, it is never a pressure game. You find out if its something they are interested in and either:
1. Yes - pursue it further
2. No - say, "no problem". I really appreciate you looking into it. And stay their friend.
3. Maybe later - Great. Whenever you have more questions, feel free to get a hold of me (and again, stay their friend)

At some point, you WILL either have contacted all your warm market or are just too uncomfortable with some of them to approach (usually for good reasons). Branching out beyond your circle of influence is very important, and almost all advertising is targeting the cold market. The goal of cold market advertising is to bring you new contats.

- Approach -
The single-most important thing you need to remember is that you want to test any advertising you do on a small scale before spending lots of money. DO NOT take out a full page ad in USA TODAY or something like that, before having excellent results with your approach in a smaller, similar medium.

The second most important thing is that you HAVE to be advertising something that has ONE specific outcome. If you are merely advertising a "Branding" website, then the people who follow your ad will be confused by a myriad of choices and "A confused mind does not purchase". The website you advertise should be a lead-capture page, where the only outcome is that they give you their name & email in return for something valuable (special report, video exlusive, free tour, etc.).

Building up a list of contacts is how any marketing campaign should go. By having a list and constantly following up with people, you will increase your results dramatically not everyone wants to buy RIGHT NOW!).

And finally, make sure you have some way to track your advertisements. You should have a different unique link for each advertisement you do so that you'll know exactly where the traffic comes from and how successful each ad is.

No matter the WHERE of your advertising, if you have the right tools in place then they can all be successful. For example, if you have a high-converting lead-capture page, then wherever you advertise (online, Google AdWords, search engines, in newspapers, flyers, etc.) you will have a much higher chance of getting good results.

That's it for now. Some other time we'll have to go into targeting your market with the RIGHT message for your audience. In otherwords, you won't get business builders with a feature-list of your product!

Always keep learning.

David Natiuk

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