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May 19, 2006 4:31 am re: (mlm)(opp) Have you ever wanted your own Amazon?
David Natiuk

Nope, never wanted my own Amazon - I'd rather not lose millions of dollars for years and have all the headaches of that infrastructure. And now that Amazon is a world-class business... why would I want to buy from somebody's "me too" website instead of going with Amazon, Ebay, or Craigslist?

You want my time, dreams and ambition? Oh my word! That's not asking for much, is it? My time is already stretched, my dreams are my dreams (you can't have them) and I certainly need my ambition to pursue what I'm already doing.

Okay, enough sarcasm. Forgive me for the diatribe. It's just that this kind of advertising really does a lot more harm than good. So speaking now as a friend Ken... I would highly recommend a book to you called "Magnetic Sponsoring".

Magnetic Sponsoring is going to teach you what kinds of ads work, what ads don't, how to connect with other network marketers the right way, how to become a leader, etc. I tell all my downline about this book and I know when somebody's serious because they purchase it and then call me all excited!
www.winningmlm.com - free 10 day series to get your started

I'm really not a jerk... I've just seen too many of these types of ads and I figured I could help you ease your journey through the MLM mine fields.

Finally, I leave you with this suggestion: Never use "and a compensation plan matched by no other" in any of your ads. That's an almost impossible to prove assumption and certainly rubs people the wrong way. ;-)

Good luck with Quixtar! I have some good friends who are in that and love it.

David Natiuk

Private Reply to David Natiuk (new win)

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