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Feb 24, 2006 6:01 pm Rapidly expanding global company...seeking motivated forward thinking individuals (OPP)
William Sieve II

Greetings to all. Thank you for your interest in an exciting business ownership opportunity rapidly expanding around the world.

Have you ever asked yourself any of the following questions:
• If I lost my job today, would I be able to support my family?
• Am I living from paycheck to paycheck?
• Is my future secure?
• Do I spend enough time with my loved ones?
• Could I benefit from an opportunity that would allow me to determine how much money I can make and create lasting financial independence for my family?

If you can relate to any of these questions, then our opportunity is right for you.

Simply put, our company allows you to earn a part-time income around your existing schedule; or to develop a full-time career income that will allow you the freedom and flexibility to do what you want, when you want. We market products and services people need and already use every day, services such as local and long distance calling, wireless and Internet access, as well as cutting-edge services like digital phone service and video phones. There is no need to change the consumer's buying habits or usage behavior. We just offer people savings on the services they use and pay for anyway.

It's simple...
There is never any inventory to stock or deliver, no monthly quotas, no collections to make and no employees to manage. No experience is necessary as our company offers a tested business model which is easy to duplicate.

This Opportunity is universal...
Giving you the freedom to work when you want, where you want and at your own pace. For possibly the first time in your life, you have an opportunity to determine your own salary, to finally earn what you're worth.

And lastly, our Opportunity is proven...
Our company's long successful track record, the financial stability of over half a billion dollars in revenue, thousands of success stories worldwide and millions of satisfied customers speak for themselves. We can give you a way to get more of the things you really want... time for your family... time for your friends... time for your hobbies... time to focus on your well being... and most importantly, time for YOU .

Once again thank you for your interest. If you have further questions please refer to my website below.


Thank you

Private Reply to William Sieve II (new win)

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