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Dec 17, 2005 1:26 am re: GIFT ::* InboundCallGenerator.com *:: The Tool We've Been Waiting For...
CK Aspinwall
Holy Cow!


What have you got a hold of man?!?!?!!!!
I want to know more about this tool.
Is email marketing really dead? Well,
I felt like it was dying three years ago.
I wonder what Brian Garvin, Matt Morrow
and Chris Tinney are doing?

Methinks that Concorde crashed and burned.
I felt like Traffic Oasis had been getting
oldy moldy leads. I finally let them go.


> Nolan Gray, DBO wrote:
>A Gift To Fellow Home Based Entrepreneurs,
>The best way to attract professional networkers to work with you, is to show them that you have a system in place that will enable them to build and build fast.
>Now I'm not talking about the system the the companys and leaders tell you to follow. I mean a real system. They typically will not tell you what you really need to do because they are in fear that you will not do anything at all.
>By now I'm sure that you and anyone else out there that is trying to build a business by emailing and cold calling leads is frustrated and burnt out. The deck has been stacked against us. Especially the part-timer.
>A few weeks ago a software package was released to home business professionals first, before it is introduced to banking, real estate, insurance and other professionls next year. Quite simply, the entire ballgame has changed.
>You are welcome to take a look at it and if you have the spontaneous urge to send me a bottle of wine, for letting you know about this before it changes the industry, feel free! [:o)
>Prosperous regards,
>Nolan Gray, DBO

Private Reply to CK Aspinwall (new win)

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