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Oct 11, 2005 4:18 am re: [Adv]Probably the best generic MLM Sponsoring advice around
Dan Schutte

I fell for the whole thing. I took the 10-Day Boot Camp and even bought the book. The information drew me in...until I learned that it was a clever strategy to sell itself. The point is to get you to take the course, buy the book and then market the course so that others can buy the book.

It would be helpful information, except for the fact that the solution is selling the book, which doesn't give you any lasting results in your business. This system is a very dangerous diversion from your business.

The safety and success of my team is very important to me, so I intend to warn any potential members reading this. I have directed my team to work with a free training system that actually gives you life skills and results in building a real business, not bunny trails to distract you from your goals.

Looking out for your wellness,


Dan Schutte
Advancing Lives Team Leader

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