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Apr 18, 2005 4:09 am I made it! just sharing the good news with you :o)
Valerie Vauthey - MyPrivateCoach
Hello to the board!

got news today that after a 9 month battle (exactly 9 months like a pregnancy..I can already see some people thinking hard on finding some connections! don't go too far..there is nothing to find here!).....I won!
The doctor told me that the cancer had left my body to which I replied "no, it did not leave my body, I kicked it out, I fought it off, I starved it and I won".
This is also what I try to instill in my clients: "they are in charge", "they are the winners", "they are fully accountable"...I just hate when somebody is trying to deprive myself of my victory :o)

I was on a national radio show this morning and the host, Jesse Dylan, asked me "you have crashed in an airplane, you survived a brain tumor and now you are fighting cancer, how do you react to this...how do you survive...and why all these things are happening to you..." (this was before I got my good results).

My answer was simple: "I use all of this to become stronger and more mature faster...I use all that comes my way good or bad to become bigger (but hey! not heavier!)...negative things fuel my rage to win and make it and good things fuel my day to day energy level. I do not let anything, anybody not even myself, belittle my ambition. As for why is all this happening to me..well I guess it's because I do a lot of things. I always try something new and sometimes work hard, too hard maybe..... As we say in French 'if you don't take risks, nothing bad will happen to you' but believe me, the rewards outweigh the little hurdles I had to go over. I am a happy lady!"

And when people ask me "whom do you thank for your victory" I basically answer: "myself". We too often try to find somebody else responsible for our success or failure. I think that (especially as I was sick) if I had thought my future was determined by somebody else I would have lost faith in myself......and hence, I would maybe not have made it......That being said, thank you to all of you who were supportive and thanks also to you who were not....whatever you did, I used it to be stronger ;o)

Now...the sun is shining..the sky is really blue today..the future is brighter....and you know..there were some clouds in the sky as I came back from my evening Step class...and well....I found these clouds very nice.....yesterday I may have not seen them that way..It is all a matter of perception.

Valou 3.0 is just out (hopefully with no bugs anymore) and LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL!

In two weeks I will celebrate my 23rd birthday (*wink wink*), a new body and maybe some other big news....but this will be the object of another email.

To your Health!
To your Success!
To your Happiness!


Valerie Vauthey
CEO & Founder

MY PRIVATE COACH, if not now...WHEN?

email: valerie@myprivatecoach.com
URL: http://www.MyPrivateCoach.com #1 on Yahoo & Google!
Direct URL: http://www.MyPrivateCoach.com/SUCCESS

phone: +1.650.533.9935

Get the FREE coaching tips your need at http://www.MyPrivateCoach.com/tips

**new** Listen to me on the radio at http://www.myprivatecoach/RADIO

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