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Strategies for Retiring Young, Soon, and Wealthy

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Jun 30, 2003 5:33 am re: re: re: re: just a hola
G.T. Poss
The old pal was my great uncle..:) I am going to repeat something here that many might disagree with. One of the things that he also said that I agree with was something so old fashioned but logical that it has gone out of style...."When it comes to children be very aware that you should not have them untill you can afford them or are willing to give up everything for them untill they are 18. Children, joy that they are are also a huge responsibility and severly limit chances that you can take in persuit of finanical freedom. Children are a great blessing but as with all things in life come at a cost". One thing that I personally know is that entrenpenurship is a "virus" once contracted you never get "over" it. This is a great thing for some, as entrenpenurship is a path to a exciting life and possiably finacial independence, for many however the cost is too high. Enrenpenurship is a risky path, the risk provides spice but is a huge strain on a family so I council all budding "ents" to be very aware of that reality and as in all things in life TANSTFL. Sorry about pontification but with 30 years in the game both being flush and busted I feel it's my duty to pass on some hard won lessons.


> Buzzy Gordon wrote:
> I agree with everything you have written here! For example, I may decide that in order to achieve my goal of "retiring early," I might move overseas as well, to a place like Costa Rica. I also believe that it is very difficult to become successful doing something that you do not enjoy. For example, while many of my friends are building their wealth investing in real estate, since that does not interest me, I am finding other avenues. And to sacrifice your passion(s) just to become rich would be the ultimate foolishness. To have a lot of money and be unhappy is not my idea of a worthwhile life goal. Your "wise old" pal is definitely right.
>> G.T. Poss wrote:
>> Finacial independence is a goal, but is highly vairable in ammount. I know of may people in the "live aboard" world that are very independent on what many would consider a laughable ammount of income. I also have friends that no matter what their income it is never enough. I was told something by a wise old guy who went from being a poorly paid teacher to owning 16 breweries...."the trick is to have enough time to enjoy your money and enough money to enjoy your time.". As a designer/builder I see in many cases the foolish amounts of time that is ezpended on items that franlky not worth it, items of little or no meaning short or long term. This is not to say I don't like money, far from it, however in buisness and life the money follows passion and vice versa, so if you want to make a pile and not worry when your not you must do what your passionate about. Thats my 2C. If you truly want to be finanicaly independent you look FIRST to your overhead and needs and then second to increasing your cash flow and capital.
>>> Buzzy Gordon wrote:
>>> Hi GT,
>>>Welcome to the Network. The purpose of our group is for all of us to stay active until "that long dirt nap" -- but also for each of us to become financially independent long before then, with the choice to either continue working or play and/or get involved in philanthropy during the second half of our lives.
>>>> G.T. Poss wrote:
>>>> Hi, just a hola to the group here. I don't know if I will fit in as us "inventor/designer" types keep working untill we take that long dirt nap that is. :)

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